You will never be able to achieve a healthy, mobile elder dog if you keep relying on magic pills or fake red lights. Sadly, the consequences of these actions will be a costly and dangerous surgery or you’ll have to put your baby down. Don’t do it! Our brace is the most natural risk free way to keep your elder dog healthy and mobile. Feeling of hope with something tangible.
Try a physical product that won’t mess with your dog’s sensitive tummy. Our vests and interchangeable sleeves provide drug free propulsion, protection and prevention.
Adding a soft bracing system helps restore, symmetry so your dog can walk without pain, normally. Our second skin feeling bracing aids your dog’s health, helps to prevent further injury, all the while naturally exercising their back legs with every step!
Your dog will not only feel good, they will get their confidence back. When used at the first signs of weakness or arthritic discomfort, our braces keep your dog moving longer, and better naturally. Be ready to welcome the zoomies back instead of dealing with a wheelchair.
If your dog is undergoing treatment with a veterinarian or not, our bracing system is the most logical step towards keeping them comfortable, and mobile while fostering healthy symmetry. Be proactive in your dog’s life.
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