❤ A Read-Out-Loud Love Letter to Your Dog ❤

❤ A Read-Out-Loud Love Letter to Your Dog ❤

Yellow Lab by a river

My Dear Old Pup,

I hope you can still hear and see me. I wanted to take a moment to express my love and gratitude for your sweet nuzzles, funny quirks and devotion to me. Your complete understanding of me, your support and love are things I have grown so accustomed to. You have been such a happy, important part of my life, the one who’s been there for so many years, and I am so grateful for you. Every moment we have spent together, the good and the bad, for you and for me has always been what we’ve needed. You have always been there for me. You watch out for me, you feel what I feel and have the perfect response. I feel so complete around you, you never judge but… definitely have demands. Yes, and I have them too, but you always comply. I love you. 

As you know, you are not as young as you used to be. But that doesn’t mean that you are any less important to me. We may not run and play like we used to when we were younger, but I would not pick another dog to grow older with than you. You sure sleep a lot, I often wish I could just curl up with you too. But I am still happy to tell you that you are my rock and the sunshine, when we spend the early morning together. 

I know that you know, I am constantly looking to make this part of our lives better together. I promise to continue to take care of you to the best of my ability and make sure that you are comfortable, mobile and happy.  We will still play,  you just need to wear your elder armor to help you along. Thank you for being one of the greatest loves of my life. No one will ever replace you, I love you more than these words can express.

With all my heart,

Mom/ Dad/ Your loving parent. 

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